Impulse Response Download
Updated July 3, 2024
Free Guitar Cabinet Impulse Responses
The guitar cabinet impulse responses available on this page are created by me, in home-studio conditions. Before proceeding with download, please consult the terms of use, and more specifically the “impulse response” section :
These impulse response files (IRs) are free and as mentioned in the Terms of Use, no warranty of any kind is provided with these files (issues, sound problems, inability to use them, sound quality, damages of any kind…).
They can allow you to get started with IRs and to experiment and/or enrich your IR collection and your sound palette. They might also allow you to discover new guitar cabs, speakers and microphones.
Buy me a coffee
You can support my website and the IR publication work by making donations through Buy me a Coffee :
Buy me a coffee is simple and easy : you can do a one-time donation very simply …. so, if you want to provide me some support for the free collections and help me providing new collections with new cabs/speakers/microphones to the guitar players community, that’s the way to do it !
Basic IRs collections will remain free for all users of the website : they contain a basic set of microphones. Additional content will be made available through a Buy Me a Coffee fee : these will consist in additional microphones and IRs mixes. This additional content will be accessible by using the download code provided when buying a Buy me a Coffee “extra” : you can check these collections on this page
Check the next section for technical information on IRs : they are compatible with many IR loading software and hardware devices including Nadir, Two-Notes hardware, Two-Notes Wall of Sound, Libra, Helix devices, the Kemper Profiling Amp, Mooer GE multi-effects, Mooer Preamp X2, Mooer Radar, Engl Cab Loader, Hotone multi-effects, TC Electronic Impulse,… Before buying a Buy me a Coffee extra, download and test the free collections to make sure your device or software work with them.
IR capture and technical information
These IRs are created with Apple Impulse Response utility, in 24 bits / 88,2 kHz and are made available as 44,1 kHz, 24 bits WAV files. Until Gen 4 (see below), IR length was usually 50 ms (though some early collections may be shorter). As of Gen 4, IR length is set to 100 ms. IRs are provided in MPT format : you will probably need to adjust their phase if you want to mix them with IRs from other vendor/provider in non-MPT format.
Three amps are used for IRs capture : one using KT88 valves, another one using 6L6 valves and a third CLASS-D one : this is generally mentioned in the collection name of the IR files and in the readme file of the collection.
These IRs are systematically tested under Nadir running in Logic Pro X, and they are sometimes tested under Two-Notes WOS (still under Logic Pro X), Libra, the Two-Note CAB M. pedal and the Mooer Radar pedal and Overloud SuperCabinet. They will also work well on Hotone Ampero and Mooer GE multi-effects, the Kemper Profiler, Line 6 Helix or Tonex plugin and the Tonex pedal, the TC Impulse Loader, the Engl CabLoader for example.
In case of issue -unability to load them- please leave a comment on this page with the complete file name of the IR and the software or hardware you are having issue with.
All mics positions are not available and all positions that I record are not made available in the free collections. Distances and positions may be different from one cabinet, microphone or speaker to the other. Sometimes processed versions of the IR can be provided. In this case, read the readme file and the IR information page to get information about the EQ or filters applied.
Getting started with IRs ?
To get started with IRs and learn more about using them, I suggest reading the following blog posts :
- Impulse responses part 11 : IRs with power-amp baked-in
- Impulse responses part 10 : a word about microphones
- Impulse responses part 9 : mixing IRs
- Impulse responses part 8 : using EQ
- Software Impulse Response loaders (IR part 7)
- Impulse responses : part 6 (usage advices)
- Impulse responses : part 5 (power amps)
- Impulse responses : part 4 (using pedals)
- Impulse responses : part 3 (IR basics)
- Impulse responses : part 2 (signal chain and IR loaders)
- Impulse responses : part 1 (introduction to IR)
Some advices
The CLASS-D IRs are captured with neutral settings, for minimum coloration and “flat” tone.
For the 6L6 and KT88 IRs, please consider the following recommendations:
- The KT88/6L6 IRs are for the most part already medium scooped : I suggest you do not overly scoop your amp or preamp EQ. You can get started with a high level of medium (11H or 12H) and high level of bass (11H or 12H)
- You may need to slightly boost the 100H to 500/700 HZ frequency range in order to get more presence and bass.
- These IRs may need an output volume boost in order to sound as loud as OwnHammer or Two-Notes average IRs (from +0,5 DB to +2 DB for example). Please remind that EQ settings might impact the overall volume of the IR as well.
And more generally :
- Pay attention to P00, P05, P09 positions , especially at high volume, as they can be harsh (with a high level of treble).
- I suggest to use low-cut filter (50HZ-120HZ) and high-cut filter (7500 HZ or less) to achieve better results.
For Two-Notes systems :
- On WOS / CABM / CABM+ / CaptorX, select 40 ms and original (up to Gen 3 ), 40 ms or 100 ms original in Gen 4
File naming convention
IR are provided as collections : a collection represents a recording session, with a given amp, CAB, speaker and mics.
The file names of the IR look like the following :
The recording position uses a number with the following convention:

File names are made of the following parts :
OD-FB-G12K100-E906-P10-25.wav : OD_<CAB>_<HP>_<MICRO>_<POSITION>_<DISTANCE>
- OD is the prefix for our IRs (
- FB : codified CAB name, in this case a Zilla® Fatboy
- G12K100 is the speaker name : a Celestion® G12K100
- E906 : a Sennheiser® E906 mic
- P10 : mic position 10 (Cap Edge)
- 25 : mic at a distance of 25 mm (distances are approximate), i.e. 1 inch.
- File names may sometimes contain other information such as “HPF” or “v2”, or settings used in a specific capture session, such as :
- -M0 to -M7 indicates some EQ was applied to reduce the medium scoop
- -BRIGHT is a preamp effect applied to boost mids and high frequencies. It provides a lot of clarity for attack and definition
- -SAT and -SAT2 are additional distortion settings from the preamp that brings also clarity to the IR
- PxxA indicates an angled position (for example P10A would be P10 with a 45° shift)
Collections will contain the microphone preamp name : TubePreamp1, TubePreamp2 or SSP1 (Solid State Preamp 1).
Microphones IR collections will now use the following microphone labels in the file names : microphone | Inspired by |
DYN-906 | Seinnheiser® E906 |
DYN-421 | Seinnheiser® MD421 |
DYN-201 | BeyerDynamic® M201TG |
DYN-75 | T.Bone® MB75 |
DYN-85B | T.Bone® MB85B |
DYN-75B | T.Bone® MB75B |
DYN-57 | Shure® SM57 |
DYN-58 | Shure® SM58 |
DYN-7B | Shure® SM7B |
DYN-I5 | Audix® I5 |
DYN-R20 | Heil Sound® PR20 |
DYN-628 | Superlux® PRA628MKII |
CND-2020 | Audio Technica® AT2020 |
RBN-160 | BeyerDynamic® M160 |
CND-M3 | RODE® M3 |
DYN-US-8 | Electro Voice® RE-20 |
CND-JP-1 | Audio Technica® AE3000 |
Other microphones not listed in this table are also used in the downloadable IR files.
Comments, suggestions, IR usage example
Do not hesitate to post comments, suggestions or to provide audio or video recordings of your usage of theses IRs. For other mic/speaker positions, you can try suggesting these positions through the comments as well.
Legal disclaimer
Any and all third party companies and products listed or otherwise mentioned on this site may be trademarks of their respective owners and they are in no way affiliated or associated with or the owner of Product names are referenced solely for the purpose of identifying the hardware used in the recording chain for impulse response capture or for guitar sound demonstrations. Use of these names does not imply any cooperation or endorsement.
Please refer to the about page for more information.
Download links – Free Collections
Free guitar cabinets impulse responses (IR) downloads are available using the links below.
If you want to be notified when new collections or articles are available, simply follow my twitter account :
Follow @davidoverdrive14th generation IRs
Collection | Date pub/upd | Comment |
M-212-L / VINT | 23-JUN-2024 | Initial publication |
DE-112 / GM | 02-JUN-2024 | Initial publication |
DE-112 / T-75 | 04-FEB-2024 | Initial publication |
DE-112 / K-100 | 04-NOV-2023 | Initial publication |
DE-112 / P50 | 21-AUG-2023 | Initial publication |
UK-212 / GOV | 14-MAY-2023 | Initial publication |
3rd generation IRs
Check this post for Gen3 information : Gen3 launch
Collection | Date pub/upd | Comment |
DE-112 / 12-65 | 13-NOV-2022 | Initial publication |
DE-112 / GOV | 02-OCT-2022 | Initial publication |
UK-112 / V30 | 25-AUG-2022 | Initial publication |
DE-112 / 12-T75 | 09-JUL-2022 | Initial publication |
DE-112 / V30 | 01-MAY-2022 | Initial publication |
R112 / V30 | 08-APR-2022 | Initial publication |
US-412 / V30 | 23-JAN-2022 13-FEB-2022 | Initial publication Update to 1.1 |
UK-212 / Demon | 4-JAN-2022 | Initial publication |
UK-212 / Demon (KT88) | 13-DEC-2021 | Initial publication |
UK-212 / Green | 14-AUG-2021 | Initial publication |
UK-212 / Green (KT88) | 18-JUL-2021 | Initial publication |
All brands and product names belong to their respective owners.
2nd generation IRs
See this post for more information on IRs “Gen2”. Check this other post for new equalized IRs versions.
Collection | Date pub/upd | Comment |
DE-112 / 12-65 (KT88) | 06-MAR-2022 | Initial publication |
R212 / V30 UK (KT88) | 02-MAY-2021 11-MAY-2021 | Initial publication Update 1.1 |
UK-212 / K100 (KT88) | 07-MAR-2021 11-MAY-2021 05-JULY-2021 | Initial publication Update 1.1 Update 1.2 |
UK-212 / V30 (KT88) | 07-MAR-2021 | Initial publication |
UK-112 / 12-T75 | 07-FEB-2021 | Initial publication |
UK-112 / Gov | 24-JAN-2021 | Initial publication |
UK-112 / Tornado St 65 | 02-JAN-2021 03-JAN-2021 10-JAN-2021 | Initial publication Update 1.1 Update 1.2 |
UK-112 / Demon | 02-JAN-2021 | Initial publication |
R112 / V30 (Tube Pre) | 13-DEC-2020 | Initial publication |
DE-112 / Demon (Tube Pre) | 11-NOV-2020 | Initial publication |
UK-112 / V30 (Tube Pre) | 14-OCT-2020 | Initial publication |
OD-212 / 12-T75 (Tube Pre) | 14-SEP-2020 | Initial publication |
OD-112 / C. Lead (Tube Pre) | 30-AUG-2020 | Initial publication |
OD-112 / H30 (Tube Pre) | 30-JUL-2020 31-JUL-2020 2-AUG-2020 | Initial publication Update 1.1 Update 1.2 |
All brands and product names belong to their respective owners.
Access to deprecated collections
Check this link :
Change log
- March 6, 2022 : initial publication of German 112 – Celestion® G12-65
- April 8, 2022 : initial publication of Calif R112 – Celestion® V30 UK
- May 1, 2022: initial publication of German E112 – Celestion® V30, added twitter link
- July 9, 2022 : initial publication of German E112 -Celestion® G12-T75
- August 25, 2022 : initial publication of UK-112, V30, class-D
- October 02, 2022 : initial publication of German-112, Governor, class-D
- November 13, 2022 : initial publication of German-112 G12-65, class-D
- January 2, 2023 : deprecating Patreon, introducing Buy me a Coffee for donations and extras, updated advices
- May 14, 2023 : added 1st gen 4 IR collection
- May 30, 2023 : updated collection names, removed Gen1 IRs, removed Patreon collections
- July 25, 2023 : added access to deprecated collection page
- August 14, 2023 : small edits
- August 21, 2023 : initial publication of German-112 P50
- November 4, 2023 : initial publication German-112 K-100 (Gen 4)
- November 19, 2023 : updated technical information
- January 4, 2024 : updated compatible hardware/software examples
- June 2, 2024 : added DE-112 Grey Mojo collection
2020-08-08 at 18:51
Just tried the IR files. Without Question – Without Question These ARE The Best Out There!
2020-11-14 at 08:12
Thanks man for the quality IR’s.
2020-11-17 at 00:12
I found these IRs through some Google searching and they work really well. Been using Presonus’ Ampire plugin a lot lately but the built-in cabs weren’t quite to my liking so I tried the UK-112-V30-TubePreamp2-v1.0 IRs with the Ampire MCM800 model and the sound I got was SO much better. Thanks, David!
2020-12-12 at 15:05
Good job, man ! Best available IR out there !
2021-01-10 at 16:46
Thank you so much!
Very useful with Torpedo CAB and Ampero One.
Have a nice day
2021-01-31 at 01:48
Thanks for all your hard work in putting these together for the community! All quality, thank you for putting in the detailed descriptions also. Top shelf!
2021-02-14 at 03:07
Hands down, all well explained and complete guide.
Just having fun with my radar.
Could you raccomand an IR for 8 strings guitar? what find out that Messhuggah Bleed grinding tone. Maybe a Fortin cab?
2021-02-14 at 11:05
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the nice feedback ! I am trying to learn Bleed, as well, but I get personally trouble going past 80% of the speed…. 🙂 For Meshuggah (Bleed, Demiurge, Lethargica…) in 8 strings F/F#, it will depend on your pickup and gear of course, but I think the key is to have the low-end under control : Bleed is fast and tight and you need to have clarity. I’d go for V30 IRs, moderately bright, not too scooped (or push your mids higher) and spend time adjusting the HPF and the 100-400 Hz area to find the sweet spot. An overdrive, 808 style, would also help to tighten the tone.
2021-02-16 at 03:06
no download links
2021-02-16 at 08:04
Hi Dude !
From this page, select your cab/speaker, navigate to the IR page, then locate the “Download link” paragraph and navigate to the link. The download page then has a blue Download button (top left of the form) : click-it to download the IR zips.
2021-03-12 at 19:44
Thanks… From Turkey
2021-04-19 at 09:36
Just stumbled across these and they are absolutely amazing. Thank you
2021-04-20 at 11:20
Thank you so much, best IRs I have downloaded by FAR. Exactly the sound I have been looking for in the eminence speaker. WOW
2021-07-07 at 08:47
Great IR and what a diversity to choose from, Thanks you very much.
2021-07-15 at 18:21
Free and Mix-Ready? how in the world is that even possible?
2021-07-15 at 18:36
Thank you for your kind comment Hitchenson ! Stay tuned, ‘Gen3’ IRs will be released this week.
2021-10-05 at 12:37
Muchas gracias por el aporte….muy buen trabajo!!!
2021-10-05 at 20:25
Thank you Ricardo !
2021-11-14 at 17:41
Looking for instrument body IR files, specifically Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass
2021-11-14 at 21:05
Hello NeoGeo,
Sorry, I can only provide guitar cab IRs 🙂 You can take a look at this video to create your own instrument IRs :
2022-01-02 at 15:26
i’ve got 2 questions please :
– why IR’s demos are always made with overdrive sound ? is it necessary or a choice ?
– there are some IR with .wav termination and others with .top and my Torpedo cab M can’t use those ones. is it normal ?
many thanks.
2022-01-02 at 18:05
Hello Phil,
-For IRs demos, it is simply a choice, for example to push the mids or the resonance harder. You can of course use the signal chain that you prefer (ie guitar->amp->IR)
-IRs files in regular format are most of the time .wav or .aiff files. Two Notes proprietary format is .tur for cabinet and it seems that .top are Two-Notes preset files ( used by Wall of Sound. I am not sure they are compatible between WOS and the Torpedo Cab M (though it would be nice).
2022-01-29 at 17:45
Great! Thank you very much!
2022-02-01 at 22:07
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful work.
2022-04-01 at 12:57
hola ando buscando algo que suene como el el gabinete marshall 1960TV greenback 4×12. cual me recomienda? (“Hi, I’m looking for something that sounds like the Marshall 1960TV Greenback 4×12 cabinet. which one do you recommend?”)
2022-04-02 at 19:54
Hello Francisco,
You could try the two free Fatboy Greenback collections. You can also have a look at Ownhammer 1960TV IRs ( but hurry-up, Ownhammer may reorganize / change its offering soon. If you have some Two-Notes hardware or software, you can also check their stores they have multiple Marshall and Greenback IRs (for example :
2022-04-01 at 16:12
I’m using the IR’s now for a while and I just had to drop a comment. I think what you guys are doing is very important and awesome. With those free IR’s you are teaching hundreds of guitarists about tone and help them to make a choice what type of cab and speaker they want.
2022-04-02 at 19:55
Thank you for your comment Alex !
2022-05-22 at 05:52
Simplesmente maravilhoso. Tem tudo em um só lugar. Parabéns Davi. Sou iniciante e já agradeço pelas indicações. (Just wonderful. It has everything in one place. Congratulations David. I’m a beginner and thanks for the tips.)
2022-05-23 at 07:12
Thank you Wilson !
2022-09-21 at 05:46
i found a really good irs on here, I just wanna suggest a complete description of the used mics, the list provided here is incomplete.
2022-09-21 at 21:17
Thank you for the feedback Joel. I’ll update the list soon.
2022-09-30 at 18:21
Hi, I can’t understand the last part of the file names. For example:
What’s the meaning of the last number? And the last letter? (I found D, E, or none)
2022-10-01 at 09:31
Hi Paul,
These are specific to the US-412 collection and are explained on the US-412 IR information page here : #3 and #4 are two different speakers of the CAB, -B-C-D-E are small EQ variations at capture time.
2022-10-11 at 04:36
your work is really great, I suggest to add royer 121 mic, is really a standard in guitar recording, and i would like to see a g12-65 speaker in a 4×12 format, is a very underrated speaker.
2022-12-11 at 00:30
What a surprise to find this stuff! Theye’re GREAT!!!
2022-12-11 at 12:28
Thanks for the feedback. Spread the word !
2022-12-26 at 22:08
amazing quality. my two cents. will be cool to have some clasic speakers, celestion ruby, c12k jensen, altec 417-8c, JBL D-120
2022-12-28 at 09:45
Thank you for the feedback Joel.
2023-01-08 at 23:30
amazing IR’s really one of the best after Redwirez i never heard a great IRs like yours
how i wish you can do Mesa 4×12 or ENGL 4×12 it will be amazing
2023-01-09 at 08:43
Thank you for the nice feedback Sherif !
2023-05-19 at 11:38
Teszteltem, és működik Veleton GP-200 pedállal is! 😎
[Hello! I tested it and it also works with a Veleton GP-200 pedal! 😎 Thank you Zsolt]
2023-05-19 at 15:08
Thank you Zsolt.
2023-06-24 at 20:19
thanks !!!!
2023-07-19 at 03:18
hello can i get oerdriven ir mk 1 setup reference and mk 1 description because i have download long ago now i want to make note about all overdriven ir like name cab mic placement and mic name on. microsoft word with full for my reference, i dont have budget to buy all cab and speaker . so when i want make some noise with your ir.. i refer my note and test and play it.. it just make me feel great like someone love driving night time with raining.. dony know how to describe but it very enjoy to use your ir…
2023-07-25 at 08:14
Hello Aliff,
I re-added access to G1 collection : check last link on this page or directly here :
2023-08-31 at 21:08
thank you very much
2023-08-06 at 21:12
Good afternoon! Can anyone recommend a good free Impulse Response that simulates a twelve-string guitar?
2023-10-30 at 16:17
galera aqui no brasil esta pirando com o bom trabalho parabens [Guys here in Brazil are going crazy with the good work, congratulations]
2023-10-31 at 19:51
Thank you Jose !
2023-12-01 at 07:41
It’s the bee’s knees, it really is. You are awesome! For a guitar player highly dependent on IRs like me,you are an angel!
2023-12-01 at 19:47
Thank you for your nice comment Raymond !
2023-12-30 at 21:01
não consigo importar para a nux mg 30
2024-01-04 at 10:02
Hey Michael
I tested loading the latest collections on the NUX solid studio pedal (as I don’t own an MG 30) and could get them working… Do you have an issue with a specific collection or all collections ? What behavior/issue do you encounter ?
2024-06-13 at 09:54
Just downloaded and tried a few in the boss ME 90, what a difference it makes, so much more real sounding..thank you !
2024-06-13 at 20:33
Happy riffing Eric and thanks for the kind comment !
2025-02-15 at 18:23
Grazie per i vostri IR di qualità.
Importati nel CUVAVE CubeBaby.
2025-02-18 at 20:21
Thank you Palu !