This page references deprecated IR collections : it is available temporarily as some users have requested access again in order to write down IR collections information.

Any and all third party companies and products listed or otherwise mentioned on this site may be trademarks of their respective owners and they are in no way affiliated or associated with or the owner of Product names are referenced solely for the purpose of identifying the hardware used in the recording chain for impulse response capture or for guitar sound demonstrations. Use of these names does not imply any cooperation or endorsement.

Please refer to the about page for more information.

Deprecated collections

CollectionDate pub/updComment
German 112 Celestion® G12K10015-NOV-2020Initial publication
German 112 Celestion® A-Type5-JUL-2020Initial publication
German 112 Celestion® V-Type25-JUN-2020Initial publication
Zilla® Fatboy 212 WGS® ET6517-MAY-2020Initial publication
Calif Recto 112 Celestion® V3025-APR-2020Initial publication
German 112 Celestion® G12H5530-MAR-2020Initial publication
Calif Recto 212 Vintage 30
29-MAR-2020Initial publication
Zilla® Fatboy 212 Vintage 30 v309-FEB-2020Initial publication
German 112 Eminence® The Governor02-FEB-2020Initial publication
Zilla® Fatboy 212 G12K100 v325-JAN-2020Initial publication
German 112 Celestion® G12T7519-JAN-2020Initial publication
German 112 WGS® Veteran 3012-JAN-2020Initial publication
Zilla® Fatboy 212 Vintage 30 v108-DEC-2019
Initial publication
check Fatboy Vintage 30
v3 instead
Zilla® Fatboy 212 G12K100 v107-DEC-2019Initial publication
check Fatboy G12K100
v3 instead

All brands and product names belong to their respective owners.