Kemper profiles
Welcome to this page dedicated to profiles for the Kemper Profiling Amp (KPA). Free Kemper profiles will be presented in this page : the free profiles themselves are available on the Kemper Rig Exchange platform, directly accessible from your KPA. Paid or sponsored profiles will be downloadable from These profiles are captured by me, using multiple guitar amplifiers, cabs and pedals, in home-studio conditions.
Legal disclaimer
All product names and company names used on this webpage are (registered) brand names or trademarks of each respective holders, and owner of is not associated or affiliated with them. These product names are used solely for purpose of identifying the specific products that were used during profiling. The profiles made available on are not for resale or any unlicensed distribution, free or compensated. The profiles uploaded to the Kemper Rig Exchange are governed by the terms of use of the Kemper Rig Exchange platform. The KPA profiles simply seek to re-create the sound of the amplifiers/cabinets/speakers/microphones listed, and any use of the brand names is strictly for comparison and descriptive purposes. Users are free to use these profiles in their audio and/or video creations, personal or professional, free of rights.
Rigs and profiles informations
Most of the informations are captured in the Rig’s metadata. The profile type is typically mentioned in the rig comment and uses the abbreviations presented in the table below :
Profile type abbrev. | Meaning |
SP | Studio Profile |
AP | Direct Amp Profile |
MP | Merged Profile |
ODN-PLEXI profiles are a modern take on the plexi tone : these profiles are created by combining a plexi-style tube preamp with different power-amps, using different types of tubes. Check Kemper Rig Exchange and filter the rig name to ODN-PLEXI or filter on DavidA-Overdriven.
The ODN-PLEXI-1 profiles are DI captures of a plexi style preamp sent to the 6L6 section of a Randall® Thrasher amp, at mid-gain/sweet spot settings and retrofitted with a Liquid Profile Tone stack “Mars Plex Brt”. They were created to get mid-gain to high-gain tones with EMG 81/85 and Fishman Fluence modern pickups in E standard. Most of the profiles use a Kemper 808 or Kemper Precision Drive in the first slot, to boost the tone of the base profile(s). You’ll achieve the intended tone using a high output active pickup. If you use lower output pickups (for example 490R or 490T) or single-coil pickups, you’ll end up with crunch / low-gain tones, which can be fine. But you may also boost the drive of the Kemper Overdrive block , the drive of the amp block or both to get more into the intended ballpark of the profiles. You can of course tweak and adjust the parameters and change the overdrive to adapt these rigs to your gear, taste and tuning.
Profile Name | Tone | Profile type | Cab information |
ODN-PLEXI-1A 12-65 | Mid gain | AP + IR + Plex Brt retrofit | Angl 112 FL, 12-65, DYN-20 mic |
ODN-PLEXI-1B T-75 | Mid gain | AP + IR + Plex Brt retrofit | Angl 112 FL, T-75, CND -103 mic |
ODN-PLEXI-1C CALI V30 | Mid gain | AP + IR + Plex Brt retrofit | MeBoo 212 RECT, UK V30, DYN-421 mic |
OEN-PLEXI-1D GOV | Mid gain | AP + IR + Plex Brt retrofit | Zilla 212 Fat Boy, Gov, CND-87 Mdrn mic |
OEN-PLEXI-1E K-100 | Mid gain | AP + IR + Plex Brt retrofit | Angl 112 FL, K-100, CND-414 mic |
OEN-PLEXI-1F DEM | Mid gain | AP + IR + Plex Brt retrofit | Zilla 212 Fat Boy, Demon, DYN-20 mic |
The following samples are intended to give a reference point for the intended tone results :
The ODN-PLEXI-1 rigs are configured as below :
- One active Kemper 808 or Kemper Precision drive in the first block
- One alternative Kemper Drive for a darker and beefier tone in the 2nd block (inactive)

The Cabinet bloc is also configured in most of these profiles using low-cut and high-cut settings, to limit bass extension and excessive brightness : you can also adjust them if you want more resonance:

The ODN-DVL20 profiles are seeking to re-create the sound of a Randall® Diavlo RD-20 amplifier. This 6V6 amplifier has been equipped with a custom set of preamp tubes and power tubes. It is easy and common to overlook small metal amps, but the Diavlo series is capable of great tones, in many areas. The RD-20 is equipped with 6V6 power tubes, which give the amp a specific character. To access the free ODN-DVL20 profiles, check the Kemper Rig Exchange and filter the rig name to ODN-DVL20 or filter the author on DavidA-Overdriven.
Profile name | Tone | Profile type | Cab information |
ODN-DVL20-3 GOV | High-gain | Studio Profile | FatBoy 212 GOV CND 800+57 |
ODN-DVL20-4 GOV | High-gain | Studio Profile | FatBoy 212 GOV CND 800+57 |
The following samples are intended to give a reference point for the intended tone results :
- Fish WA bridge v2 samples : Drop C samples, with Fishman Willie Adler pickups in voice 2
- Fluence samples : Eb samples, with Fishman Modern Fluence
ODN 7606 (Liquid profiles)
The ODN-7606 profiles are seeking to re-create the sound of a Peavey® 6505 amplifier, equipped with a custom preamp tubes set. These profiles are Liquid Profiles, using the Kemper Pea V 5150 amp model.
This set of profiles is based on the 6505 lead channel and use a Fatboy 212 Cab equipped with Governor speakers These profiles were tweaked and adjusted with EMG 81 and EMG 57 bridge pickups in E standard, Eb and Drop D.
To access the profiles, filter in RigManager on “ODN-7606-AP-18B LEAD GOV”
Profiles available :
- ODN-7606-AP-18B LEAD GOV 1 : Kemper Drive, 6505 amp profile lead channel, Fatboy Governor, CND 103 microphone
- ODN-7606-AP-18B LEAD GOV 2 : Kemper Drive, 6505 amp profile lead channel, Fatboy Governor, CND 414 microphone
- ODN-7606-AP-18B LEAD GOV 3 : Green Scream, 6505 amp profile lead channel, Fatboy Governor, CND 414 microphone
- ODN-7606-AP-18B LEAD GOV 4 : Kemper Drive, 6505 amp profile lead channel, Fatboy Governor, CND 414 microphone
- ODN-7606-AP-18B LEAD GOV 5 : Kemper Drive, 6505 amp profile lead channel, Fatboy Governor, CND 414 microphone
The ODN-VH4 profiles are seeking to re-create the sound of a Diezel® VH4 amplifier, equipped with a custom preamp tubes set and KT77 power amp tubes.
ODN VH4 AP-02 profiles
These profiles are direct amp profiles of channel 2 (crunch channel, all AP-02 profiles use same gain and tone settings, bright switch on) associated with different Kemper overdrives and different IRs. You can download them from the Kemper Rig Exchange by filtering on “ODN VH4 AP-02” (Rig Exchange is down -May 25- : Profiles will be made available quickly after Rig Exchange is back online : profiles are available through Rig Exchange).
The following table present informations on the AP-02 profiles :
Profile | Channel | Comment |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - GM | 2 | Mojo GreyHound - 808 OD |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - GM 2 | 2 | Mojo GreyHound - DR Flat HC |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - CB | 2 | Fatboy Creamback - Dr Vintage HC |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - CB2 | 2 | Fatboy Creamback - 808 |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - P50 | 2 | 112 P50E - Dr Vintage HC |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - P50 2 | 2 | 112 P50E - 808 |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - GOV | 2 | FatBoy Governor |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - GOV 2 | 2 | Fatboy Governor (Vintage Drive) |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - 1265 | 2 | 112 - 12 - 65 - Dr Vintage HC |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - 1265 2 | 2 | 112 - 12 - 65 - 808 OD |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - RECT | 2 | MeBoo 212 V30 - 808 OD |
ODN VH4 AP-02 - T75 | 2 | 112 - T75 - And mic - 808 OD |
The following playlist contains tracks created with these profiles using Lasse Lammert Mago DI pack :
EOD88 – Fatboy Demon profiles
These are my first profiles created with the Kemper : they are using the main distorted channel of a Randall® EOD 88, with and without the boost engaged, with various tone and gain settings. To get more information about the EOD 88, you can check my review of this amp here.
5 free profiles are made available :
- EOD 88 Demon 02 : boost off, aggressive tone
- EOD 88 Demon 03 : boost on, full tone
- EOD 88 Demon 04 : boost on, gain 5.5, aggressive tone
- EOD 88 Demon 05 : boost on, gain 5.5, full tone
- EOD 88 Demon 06 : boost on, gain 5.5, full tone
The cab used is a 2*12 Zilla® Fatboy, equipped with two Hesu® Demon speakers. The profiles are KPA complete studio profiles, refined after the KPA capture. The mic used is the DYN-US-6, in P12. To know more about mic positions, check the main IR download page here. The profiles were created and tweaked using an E-Flat guitar with an EMG 57 and a drop D guitar with a SH-4 pickup. You may need to adjust the settings (gain, tone, low-cut) depending on your pickups and the tuning you use. I get the best results with the Kemper Green Drive, but the Precision Drive can also work well (for example EMG 81 with Attack 1).
I re-tubed completely my EOD 88 last summer (2021) : the preamp tubes are custom selected 12AX7 tubes, and the KT88 tubes were also changed (from Ruby to JJ KT88).
To access these profiles from your Kemper, either download them from the Kemper web site or just use/import them from the Kemper Rig Manager software (Rig Exchange) : filter on the author name “DavidA-overdriven” or on the rig name “EOD88 Demon”.

Each profile use the following blocks :
- Green Drive
- Noise Gate
- Studio eq block (where only the low-cut filter is used).
Some samples below : the AHB3 samples are drop-b, the EMG57 samples are e-flat. Drop-B samples use a more aggressive low-cut in the Studio EQ block. Some samples use KPA Air Chorus and Single Delay.
Adjust carefully the low-cut or use an aggressive OD to get more definition, as the lows/low-mids are quite present.
Change log
- February 26, 2022 : page creation, first EOD Demon profiles publication
- February 27, 2022 : page content update, added EOD Demon samples
- January 21, 2024 : published and added description for ODN-PLEXI profiles
- January 22, 2024 : added drive info for ODN-PLEXI-1 rigs
- January 27, 2024 : added rigs and profiles types abbreviations
- January 29, 2024 : added ODN-DVL20 profiles
- April 2, 2024 : added 7606 Governor liquid profiles
- May 25, 2024 : added VH4 AP-02 profiles
2023-03-31 at 16:46
good afternoon. how can i place IRs no cuvave please
2023-04-26 at 20:56
The few Kemper profiles I have published so far are on the Kemper Rig Exchange (search for EOD).