AIDA-X models
Welcome !
Welcome to this page dedicated to the AIDA-X AI modeler system from AIDA DSP ( . You will find demos, presets, resources and advices for the models that I capture and share on ToneHunt : I will also add usage recommendations for my models as well as some details on the captured amps and systems.
A word on AIDA-X
AIDA-X is an AI based modeling system geared at capturing guitar amps and pedals. The capture procedure allows users to create models that can be loaded and used with an AIDA-X capable plugin or application :
- AIDA-X plugin and standalone from AIDA DSP, provided in CLAP, LV2, VST2 and VST3 formats :
- Genome CODEX from Two-Notes :
- The MOD Dwarf AIDA-X plugin if you own a MOD DWARF device (plugin installs from the MOD DWARF plugin store)
Aida-X “standard” models are lighter and less CPU intensive than the standard NAM models. If you want to get started capturing your own models with AIDA-X, please check the following resources :
- Blog post : Modeling amps and pedals for the AIDA-X: Best practices
- Check the MOD Audio forums for discussions related to modeling and captures :
- Visit the AIDA-X Github project :
Legal disclaimer
All product names and company names used on this webpage are (registered) brand names or trademarks of each respective holders, and owner of is not associated or affiliated with them. These product names are used solely for purpose of identifying the specific products that were used during model capture. The captures made available on or via ToneHunt are not for resale or any unlicensed distribution, free or compensated. The models uploaded to ToneHunt are governed by the terms of use presented below in this page and in the license section of each models. The AIDA-X models presented on this page simply seek to re-create the sound of the amplifiers/pedals/cabinets/speakers/microphones listed, and any use of the brand names is strictly for comparison and descriptive purposes. Users are free to use these profiles in their audio and/or video creations, personal or professional, free of rights. AIDA-X models
All the models are captured from real analog gear : amps, cabs, distorsion or overdrive pedals.… I do not capture or publish models from plugins or other modeler units.
Models or model collections published on ToneHunt and on are available for end-users under the following licence : « The user may download and load the data file into software, and utilize or publish the outputs from said software resulting from use of the aforementioned data file without royalty or restriction. The user may not upload, or otherwise republish, or distribute the data file without express permission from the author of the aforementioned data file. ».
These collections may include sample IR files (Impulse Responses), taken from free collections : these are exclusively and fully owned by Overdriven.Fr / David A. and governed by the Terms of Use available on the About page | Use of free impulse responses ( These licensing terms provide similar rights and restrictions to the models license above. These model collections do not embed any third party IRs.
Naming convention of models : the model names I use globally align to A-X Cloud/ToneHunt recommendations with a few additions, notably including the type of capture with a model number and letter, as well as the type of the AIDA-X model (light, standard, heavy mainly).
Example : SYN_PLEXI_6L6_AP-1A_STD
- SYN : gear reference or generic ODN reference (OverDriveN)
- PLEXI_6L6 : preamp or amp or pedal name
- AP-1A : AP is the model type (Amplifier Profile) , 1 is a reference to the capture settings, A is a version of the profile.
- STD : type of Aida-x profiles (STD for standard, HVY for heavy and LTE for light, and they correspond to AIDA-X configurations LSTM-12, LSTM-16 and LSTM-20).
These models are mainly tested with Genome Codex and a MOD DWARF unit with the AIDA-X plugin.
Using models and IRs in MOD DWARF
Use the Mod DWARF file manager to updload models (.aidax) and IRs to your mod DWARF, using the Aida-X folder and the Impulse Response folder.
You can then use the AIDA-X plugin and one of the IR loader plugins to build a pedalboard such as the one depicted below :

SYN PLEXI models
SYN_PLEXI profiles are a modern take on the plexi tone : these profiles are created by combining plexi tube preamps with different power-amps, using different types of power tubes. Check A-X cloud and filter SYN_PLEXI_ or filter on DavidA-Overdriven.
The SYN PLEXI 6L6 profiles are DI captures of a Synergy® Plexi preamp* sent to the 6L6 section of a Randall® Thrasher amp, at mid-gain/sweet spot settings and also combined with an overdrive pedal for high-gain. They were created to get mid-gain to high-gain tones with EMG 81/85 and Fishman Fluence modern pickups in E standard but they can be also used with other pickups and tunings (see samples with Fishman Willie Adler pickups in active voicing in drop C).
*All used company names, label names and registered trademarks on this website are property of their owners and only used for identification and description of products and achievements. These models simply seek to re-create the sound of the amplifiers, cabinets and speaker listed and any use of brand names is strictly for comparison and descriptive purposes.
Two sets of profiles are provided :
- The 1A profiles are mid-gain and are intended to be boosted by an overdrive (analog or plugin)
- The 1B profiles embed a boost and provide directly high-gain tones. A pedal can still be used in front of these models
The profiles contain metadata information, including the model ESR.
List of profiles :
- SYN_PLEXI_6L6_AP-1A_HVY.aidax
- SYN_PLEXI_6L6_AP-1A_LTE.aidax
- SYN_PLEXI_6L6_AP-1A_STD.aidax
The following IRs are provided as examples associations (I suggest to start with the ones highlighted in bold):
- OD-E112-G65-DYN-US-8-P10-70.wav
- OD-E112-P50-DYN-421-P15-20.wav
- OD-E112-P50-DYN-US-8-P10-50.wav
- OD-E112-P50-DYN-US-8-P12-50.wav
- OD-FB-GOV-CND-800-P10-70.wav
- OD-FB-GOV-DYN-US-8-P12-90.wav
- OD-FB-GOV-DYN-US-8-P10-70.wav
- OD-FB-GOV-DYN-US-8-P10-90.wav
- OD-E112-T75-CND-AU-1-P10-50.wav
In all cases, please adjust the signal chain and the gain levels to your taste, pickups and tuning…
The following samples are provided as reference points, to get an idea of the intended tone :
Download links :
- Models :
- IRs :
Or download the models from this link :
The ODN Herbie KT77 profiles are DI captures of a Synergy® Herbert preamp* sent to the 100 Watts KT77 section of a guitar amp, at mid-gain/sweet spot settings and also combined with 2 overdrive pedals for high-gain. They were created to get mid-gain to high-gain tones with EMG 81/85 and Fishman Fluence modern pickups in E standard but they can be also used with other pickups and tunings (see samples with Fishman Willie Adler pickups in active voicing in drop C).
*All used company names, label names and registered trademarks on this website are property of their owners and only used for identification and description of products and achievements. These models simply seek to re-create the sound of the amplifiers, cabinets and speaker listed and any use of brand names is strictly for comparison and descriptive purposes.
All models from this pack are based on the following settings :
Model names | Model description |
AP-XA-R | Blue channel (Rhythm) : Gain 6, Bass 5, Middle 5, Treble 6, Mid Cut On, Mid Cut 5 |
AP-XB-L | Red channel (Lead) : Gain 4, Bass 5, Middle 5, Treble 6, Mid Cut On, Mid Cut 4 |
Two overdrives are used in the capture : a JHS® Bonsai in multiple modes and a Precision Drive from Horizon Devices®. The following tables presents the OD and modes used for the different models of the pack :
Model | Description |
AP-1X-R/L-TS10 | Bonsai TS10 |
AP-2X-R/L | No boost in capture, use your preferred overdrives |
AP-3X-R/L-808 | Bonsai 808 |
AP-4X-R/L-TS9 | Bonsai TS9 |
AP-5X-R/L-MSL | Bonsai MSL |
AP-6X-R/L-PD2 | Precision Drive, attack 2 |
AP-7X-R/L-PD3 | Precision Drive, attack 3 |
AP-8X-R/L-XR | Bonsai XR |
AP-10X-R/L-TS7 | Bonsai TS7 |
The original pack should have contained 60 profiles (3 AIDA-X quality per model, so actually 20 different models) but 7 models were removed as they did not pass the training (OD-1 models and TS7 Heavy model). So the pack contains 53 models which are the following in Light, Standard and Heavy size :
You will need to associate your favorites IRs with these models. You can get started with the IRs suggested below.
The following samples are provided as reference points, to get an idea of the intended tone (Drop C chugs using the same IR : OD-FB-GOV-DYN-US-8-P12-90.wav).
Download links :
- Models :
- IRS :
Alternate download link :
ODN 7606 models
ODN 7606 Pack1
The ODN 7606 AIDA-X models are amp captures based on a Peavey™ 6505® amplifier, at mid-gain and high-gain settings*. The pack contains unboosted amp models and also boosted models captured with one overdrive pedal in different settings.
* All used company names, label names and registered trademarks on this website are property of their owners and only used for identification and description of products and achievements. These models simply seek to re-create the sound of the amplifiers, cabinets and speaker listed and any use of brand names is strictly for comparison and descriptive purposes.
They were created to get mid-gain to high-gain tones with EMG 81/85 and Fishman Fluence modern pickups in E standard but they can be also used with other pickups and tunings (see samples with Fishman Willie Adler pickups in active voicing in drop C).
The models from this pack are based on the following settings :
Model names | Model description |
AP-1-A-R | Rhythm channel : Gain 6, Bass 5, Middle 5, Treble 5, Depth 5,5 Presence 5 |
AP-1B-L | Lead channel : Gain 3, Bass 5, Middle 5, Treble 5, Depth 5,5 Presence 5 |
AP-2/3/4-A-R | Rhythm channel : Gain 6, Bass 5, Middle 4, Treble 5, Depth 5,5 Presence 5 |
AP-2/3/4-B-L | Lead channel : Gain 3, Bass 5, Middle 4, Treble 5, Depth 5,5 , Presence 5 |
AP-5/6-A-R | Rhythm channel : Gain 7, Bass 5, Middle 4, Treble 5, Depth 6 ,Presence 5 |
AP-5/6-B-L | Lead channel : Gain 4, Bass 5, Middle 4, Treble 5, Depth 6, Presence 5 |
A JHS® Bonsai in multiple modes was also used to boost the amp. The following table presents the different models from this pack :
Model | Description |
AP-1A/B-R/L | No boost in capture, use your preferred overdrives |
AP-2A/B-R/L | No boost in capture, use your preferred overdrives |
AP-3A/B-R/L-TS10 | Bonsai TS10 |
AP-4A/B-R/L-808 | Bonsai 808 |
AP-5A/B-R/L | No boost in capture, use your preferred overdrives |
AP-6A/B-R/L-808 | Bonsai 808 |
The pack contains the following models, in 3 different AIDA-X quality (Light, Standard and Heavy sizes) :
- ODN-7606-AP-1A-R
- ODN-7606-AP-1B-L
- ODN-7606-AP-2A-R
- ODN-7606-AP-2B-L
- ODN-7606-AP-3A-R-TS10
- ODN-7606-AP-3B-L-TS10
- ODN-7606-AP-4A-R-808
- ODN-7606-AP-4B-L-808
- ODN-7606-AP-5A-R
- ODN-7606-AP-5B-L
- ODN-7606-AP-6A-R-808
- ODN-7606-AP-6B-L-808
You will need to associate your favorites IRs with these models. You can get started with the IRs suggested below (see link below).
The following samples are provided as reference points, to get an idea of the intended tone (Drop C chugs). Samples created with models loaded under Genome Codex and the following IRs :
- 01 : Two-Notes Fried 25 Dyn-57
- 02 : Two-Notes Rand Trash Dyn-57
- 03 : Overdriven 112 Gr. Hound CND 67
- 04 : Overdriven FB Gov CND 800
- 05 : Overdriven 112 12-65
Download links :
- Models :
- IRs:
Alternate download link :
ODN Cali Dual models
The ODN 7606 Cali Dual packs below are amp captures based on a Mesa Boogie™ Dual Rectifier™ amplifier, at different gain settings*. These packs may contain unboosted and boosted amp models captured with overdrive pedals in different settings.
* All used company names, label names and registered trademarks on this website are property of their owners and only used for identification and description of products and achievements. These models simply seek to re-create the sound of the amplifiers, cabinets and speaker listed and any use of brand names is strictly for comparison and descriptive purposes.
ODN Cali Dual Pack1
This pack contains captures of the 3rd channel (RED) in modern mode, with 2 levels of gain and 4 overdrive pedals : a Maxon® 808, a Maxon® 808x, an Horizon Devices® Precision Drive and a JHS® Bonsai. The amp is set to diode rectification and bold mode and using 6L6 tubes.
All the models for these packs use the same EQ, which is almost everything at noon, excepted the gain : two gain settings are used and listed in the table below :
Model names | Model description |
AP-1X | CH3 RED, diode rectification, bold, gain 5 |
AP-2X | CH3 RED, diode rectification, bold, gain 6 |
The tone you’ll achieve with these models will be mid-gain to high-gain, depending on your pickups and tuning. Adjust the gain on the Aida-X plugin and use additional boosts if you want to reach higher levels of gain.
The models provided are the following :
Model | Description |
AP-1A & AP-2A | No boost in capture, use your preferred overdrives (mid gain) |
1B, 2B | 808 |
1C, 2C | 808x |
1D, 2D | Precision Drive attack 1 |
1E, 2E | Precision Drive attack 2 |
1F, 2F | Bonsai TS10 |
List of the models (available in -HVY, -STD and -LTE quality):
- ODN-DR-AP-1B-CH3-RED-808
- ODN-DR-AP-1C-CH3-RED-808x
- ODN-DR-AP-2B-CH3-RED-808
- ODN-DR-AP-2C-CH3-RED-808x
The following demos use Lasse Lammert Mago DI pack, re-amped with the AP-2D AIDA-X model under Genome / CODEX, using Two-Notes DynIRs and IRs :
- Track 01 : Two-Notes DynIR official Mesa 412 Slant, 57+412
- Track 02 : Two-Notes DynIR MII SOL 412 G12, 57+R10
- Track 03 : Overdriven 212 Front Loaded Demon RE20+M3
- Track 04 : Overdriven 212 Fatboy Governor RE20

Genome EQ used on guitars for low-cut, low-cut on drums/bass. No other EQ but processed with Fabfilter L2.
Download links :
Alternate download link :
ODN PB models
The ODN PB models are amp captures based on a Synergy™ Engl™ Powerball amplifier, at different gain settings, routed into different guitar power amps*. These packs may contain unboosted and boosted amp models captured with overdrive pedals in different settings.
* All used company names, label names and registered trademarks on this website are property of their owners and only used for identification and description of products and achievements. These models simply seek to re-create the sound of the amplifiers, cabinets and speaker listed and any use of brand names is strictly for comparison and descriptive purposes.
ODN PB Pack1
This pack contains captures of the 1st channel of the module (Blue / crunch), routed to the 6L6 power amp section of a 100 Watts guitar amp. The gain is set to maximum, using the 2 levels of gain settings of the module : low-gain and high-gain. This pack contains unboosted raw profiles that you can use with your own overdrives and models directly captured with overdrive pedals : an EHX® Soul Food, an EHX® Glove OD, an Horizon Devices® Precision Drive, a TC Electronic® Tube Pilot and an MXR® Timmy OD. Some of these profiles are pretty heavy on the low and low-mid side and were tested/intended for EMG81 pickups. If you use pickups with more low-end or use non-standard -lower- tunings, you’ll probably have to either adjust the bass/depth on your AIDA-X plugin and/or use an EQ or treble booster before the plugin.
Some of the lights models (-LTE) are slightly off : prefer the standards and heavy ones.
All the models for these packs use the same EQ, which is almost everything at noon, excepted the gain which is maxed out and the treble set a little bit higher to give some air and presence.
Summary of model settings:
Model names | Model description |
AP-1X | Crunch (blue channel), low-gain setting |
AP-2X | Crunch (blue channel), high-gain setting |
You will get crunch/mid-gain to high gain tones, depending on your pickups and the boost / OD you use in front of the models. Here is a summary of the models:
Model | Description |
AP-1A & AP-2A | No boost in capture, use your preferred overdrives (low gain and mid gain) |
1B, 2B, 1C, 2C | Soul Food OD |
1D, 2D | Glove OD |
1E, 2E | Tube Pilot |
1F, 2F | Timmy Drive |
2G | Precision Drive, attack 1 |
2H | Precision Drive, attack 2 |
2I | Precision Drive, attack 2, drive 1 |
List of the models (available in -HVY, -STD and -LTE quality):
The following demos use Lasse Lammert Mago DI pack, re-amped with the AP-2I AIDA-X model under Genome / CODEX, using Two-Notes DynIRs :
- Track 01 : Two-Notes DynIR Engl 412 XXL (V30)
- Track 02 : Two-Notes DynIR Engl 412 XXL Syn (Demon)
- Track 03 : Two-Notes DynIR KenSusi Sheff Turbo
- Track 04 : Two-Notes DynIR KenSusi Std Rack
Models download link :
Alternate download link :
ODN CP models
The ODN CP (=citrus panic) models are amp captures based on an Orange Dark Terror 15 Watts head, at different gain settings*. These packs may contain unboosted and boosted amp models captured with overdrive pedals in different settings.
* All used company names, label names and registered trademarks on this website are property of their owners and only used for identification and description of products and achievements. These models simply seek to re-create the sound of the amplifiers, cabinets and speaker listed and any use of brand names is strictly for comparison and descriptive purposes.
ODN CP Pack1
This pack contains one raw capture of the amp that you can boost with your own overdrives, and multiple overdrive boosted captures. The gain is set to 6, and the shape is set to 4 for a full (non-scooped) tone for all models of this pack. The overdrive used are a Bonsai, in all the available modes and a Precision Drive. Differences between the boosted captures may sometimes seem subtle, and your perception of the differences will be strongly impacted by the IRs you choose to associate with these models. Some of these profiles are pretty heavy on the low and low-mid side and were tested/intended for EMG81 pickups. If you use pickups with more low-end or use non-standard -lower- tunings, you’ll probably have to either adjust the bass/depth on your AIDA-X plugin and/or use an EQ or treble booster before the plugin.
The overdrive mode used is mentioned in the profile name (i.e. ODN-CP-AP-1D-S4-G6-MSL-HVY uses the MSL mode of the Bonsai as an example). Profile 1-A is the raw capture.
List of the models (available in -HVY, -STD and -LTE quality):
- ODN-CP-AP-1A-S4-G6
- ODN-CP-AP-1B-S4-G6-808
- ODN-CP-AP-1C-S4-G6-OD9
- ODN-CP-AP-1E-S4-G6-TS10
- ODN-CP-AP-1G-S4-G6-TS7
- ODN-CP-AP-1J-S4-G6-PD2
The zip contains 30 files : the 10 models above declined in light, standard and heavy quality.
The following demos are done with a Fishman Fluence modern bridge pickup, the 1C model loaded under Two-Notes Genome/CODEX and Overdriven IRs (OD-112 12-65 and ODN-112 P50):
Models download link :
Alternate download link :
ODN Greenie models
The ODN Greenie models are amp captures based on a S. Vai Signature preamp, associated with different power amps, at different gain settings*. These packs may contain unboosted and boosted amp models captured with overdrive pedals in different settings.
* All used company names, label names and registered trademarks on this website are property of their owners and only used for identification and description of products and achievements. These models simply seek to re-create the sound of the amplifiers, cabinets and speaker listed and any use of brand names is strictly for comparison and descriptive purposes.
ODN Greenie 6L6 – Pack1
This pack associates the preamp with a 100 Watts 6L6 power section. Models provided range from clean, to lightly pushed and mild crunch. This pack contains capture of the blue channel only. It can provide very clean to mild crunch : boost the models with your preferred overdrives to get bluesy tones or more solid crunch.
The models are presented in the table below :
Model | Description |
AP-1A | Clean (Gain 3), all at noon |
AP-1B | AP-1A + Fat + Bright |
AP-2A | Clean (Gain 5), all at noon |
AP-2B | AP-2A + Fat + Bright |
AP-3A | Clean, light break-up (Gain 6), all at noon |
AP-3B | AP-3A + Fat + Bright |
AP-4A | Clean, light break-up (Gain 6+), bass 4, mids 6, treble 7 |
AP-4B | AP-4A + Fat + Bright |
AP-5A | Pushed (Gain 7), bass 4, mids 6, treble 7 |
AP-5B | AP-5A + Fat + Bright |
AP-6A | Pushed/light crunch (Gain 8), bass 4, mids 6, treble 7 |
AP-6B | AP-6A + Fat + Bright |
List of the models (declined in -HVY, -STD and -LTE quality):
- ODN-Greenie-AP-1A BLUE G3 (noon)
- ODN-Greenie-AP-1B BLUE G3 B+F
- ODN-Greenie-AP-2A BLUE G5 (noon)
- ODN-Greenie-AP-2B BLUE G5 B+F
- ODN-Greenie-AP-3A BLUE G6 (noon)
- ODN-Greenie-AP-3B BLUE G6 B+F
- ODN-Greenie-AP-4A BLUE G6+ 4-6-7
- ODN-Greenie-AP-4B BLUE G6+ 4-6-7 B+F
- ODN-Greenie-AP-5A BLUE G7 4-6-7
- ODN-Greenie-AP-5B BLUE G7 4-6-7 B+F
- ODN-Greenie-AP-6A BLUE G8 4-6-7
- ODN-Greenie-AP-6B BLUE G8 4-6-7 B+F
The zip contains 36 files : the 12 models above declined in light, standard and heavy quality.
The following demos are recorded with an EMG67 neck pickup and re-amped under Logic Pro, Genome/CODEX with the heavy AIDA-X models. Gain is lowered to 3 for tracks 1 to 6. Gain is set to 5 for tracks 7 and 8. Track 9 also uses a Genome OD250. A single IR is used for all samples : OD-E112-P50-DYN421-15-20. Genome Reverb on all samples.
Models download link :
Alternate download link :
Change log
- Page creation : 02/22/2024
- Typos : 02/24/2024
- Typos : 02/26/2024
- Added resource links : 03/04/2024
- Added ODN HERBIE PACK1 : 03/05/2024
- Added ODN 7606 PACK1 : 03/07/2024
- Added ODN Cali Dual PACK1 : 03/09/2024
- Added ODB PB PACK1 : 03/12/2024
- Added alternate (local) download link for PB PACK1 : 03/14/2024
- Added DR CH3 demos with Lasse Lammert Mago DI pack : 03/17/2024
- Added PB PACK1 demos with Lasse Lammert Mago DI pack : 03/17/2024
- Added CP PACK1 : 03/23/2024
- Added CP PACK1 local download link : 03/24/2024
- Added Greenie PACK1 : 03/28/2024
- Added demos for Greenie PACK1 and local download link : 04/02/2024
- Updated download links to Tonehunt URLs : 06/30/2024
2024-03-30 at 18:18
Brilliant, thanks! Aida-X models – even the heavier ones – are much lighter on CPUs than NAM captures.