TONEX resources
- Created May 19, 2023
- Updated May 21, 2023
Welcome !
Welcome to this page dedicated to the TONEX system from IK Multimedia. You will find demos, Internet links and resources as well as TONEX DI / IRs associations ideas, mainly from the models I capture and share on I will also add usage recommendations for my models as well as some details on the captured amps.
TONEX models
If you are new to TONEX, you can check the many YouTube video resources with demos and reviews and you can also check my review of the TONEX here :
In the tables presenting the TONEX models that I share, you will find a model type column : I will be using Full Profile (FP) for amp+cab or complex rigs including cabs, DI for amp only and ST for Stomp models.
All the profiles I will be sharing on will use an ODN (OverDriveN) prefix in their names. Some demos of IR associations for DI only models are available on this page : most of the times, these IRs will come from the freely available IRs (you can access the download page here :
Randall EOD 88 models
This amp is not available anymore from Randall : if you want to learn more about it you can check my review of this amp here :
In short, this KT 88 amp is a one channel amp with 3 gain modes : standard, boosted and fuzz, as it features an on-board fuzz circuit. The TONEX models are captured in home-studio conditions, with my fully re-tubed EOD running a custom set of preamp tubes and JJ KT88 power tubes. I re-biased it to a relatively cold setting.
You can download models directly from : for the EOD 88 models, search for ODN EOD:
The available models are listed in the table below. The full profiles were captured with an Horizon Devices Precision Drive with a “unity setting”. You may want to boost you guitar signal by using an overdrive in front of your TONEX system if you need to boost and adapt. I’d suggest using most of these models with the gain set between 3,5 and 5.
DI models
Model Name | Type | Comment | Date publication |
ODN EOD DI 01 | HIGH-GAIN | boost off | May 18, 2023 |
IR associations for DI profiles
You can check the demos below to get an idea of the tone of the DI models, using free impulse responses.
Full profiles
The table below present the TONEX models captured in amp+cab or complex rig mode : you can download them on
Model name | Type | Cab info | Date publication |
ODN EOD 01 | High-gain | Fatboy Governor SM57 | May 18, 2023 |
ODN EOD 03 | High-gain | Fatboy G12H75 SM57 | May 18, 2023 |
ODN EOD 05 | High-gain | Fatboy Gov+H75 SM57 | May 18, 2023 |
ODN EOD 10 | High-gain | 212 V30 SM57 | May 18, 2023 |
ODN EOD 11 | High-gain | 212 V30 SM57 | May 18, 2023 |
ODN EOD 15 | Clean | 212 V30 SM57 | May 18, 2023 |
ODN EOD 16 | Drive | 212 V30 SM57 | May 18, 2023 |
DR 6L6 models
The DR models are based on a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Solo Head, fully re-tubed and using JJ 6L6 power tubes.
You can download models directly from : for the DR models, search for ODN DR :

DI models
Model Name | Type | Comment | Date publication |
ODN DR CH3 RED DI 01 | High-Gain | Precision Drive, unity gain | MAY 21, 2023 |
IR associations for DI profiles
All amp, pedal, speaker, cabinet and microphone brands are trademarked by their respective owners and are in no way affiliated with and/or the owner of The TONEX tone models simply seek to re-create the sound of the amplifiers and the gear listed and any use of brand names is strictly for comparison and descriptive purposes.
Change log
- May 19, 2023 : page creation, added Randall EOD 88 section
- May 21, 2023 : added DR section
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